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Provision of State Protocol Services for National Events and International Conferences in Botswana


The Department of Protocol and Consular Services in the Ministry of International Affairs and Cooperation provides State Protocol services to facilitate smooth arrangements of national events and international conferences hosted in Botswana. The services provided also include training on Protocol and Etiquette to stakeholders, guidance on interaction with Foreign Missions accredited to Botswana, as well as High Level visitors from abroad.

Who is eligible?
  • Government Ministries, departments and parastatals.
  • Others may approach private providers of the training on Protocol and Etiquette who are accredited with Botswana Qualifications Authority.
How do I get this service?

Submit request in the form of Saving-gram through parent Ministry for the required services.

What supporting documents are required?
  • Communication requesting the assistance specifying the nature of the training required, target group and events or High Level guests to be facilitated
  • Completed VIP lounge access forms
How long will this service take?
  • Training will be provided within 2 weeks of receipt of the request.
  •  VIP requests will be processed within 7 days of receipt of the request.
How much does it cost?

No charges.

Where can I get more information on this Service

Department of Protocol and Consular Services

Ministry of International Affairs and Cooperation
Private Bag 00368 
Government Enclave
Tel. (+267) 3600700 / (+267) 3600744
Fax. (+267) 3973067 / (+267) 3974516
Email. miacprotocol [at] (miacprotocol[at]gov[dot]bw)

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