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Ministry of Transport and Public Works

Areas of Responsibility

The Ministry of Transport and Communications was established to drive the development and utilisation of Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) and integrated transport services in Botswana. The Ministry’s mandate is in three(3) folds;

  •  To connect and network communities
  •  To provide a safe, secure and accessible Transport and Communication infrastructure
  • To provide a reliable, affordable and sustainable Transport and Communications services
Departments/Sections of the Ministry
  • Department of Road Transport and Safety 
  • Department of Information Technology
  • Department of Roads
  • Central Transport Organisation 
  • Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services
  • Botswana Integrated Transport Project 
  • Directorate of Accident Investigation 
  • Corporate Services

List of Parastatals 

Ministry of Transport and Communications

Departments/Sections and Key Functions

Department of Road Transport and Safety 

  • Provision of efficient  road safety transport system in Botswana. To regulate road transport through policy formulation and implementation of the Road Traffic Act and Road Transport Permit Act.
  • Major services include; vehicle registration and licensing, vehicle examination, driver training and examination, transport permits, public transport inspection and enforcement, registering and inspecting driving schools, authorizing and controlling public passenger and freight transport vehicles. 

Department of Information Technology

  • To facilitate and administer information and communication technology services across the public sector.
  • To play an advisory role on all Information Communication Technologies (ICT) related matters to Government Ministries and Departments. 

Department of Roads

  • The Department exists to provide safe, secure, and accessible road infrastructure. The department achieves these through two (2) main objectives; to increase accessibility of road infrastructure and to improve quality of road infrastructure.

Central Transport Organisation (CTO)

The mandate of CTO includes but not limited to the following.

  • Procurement and disposal of Government fleet
  • Assessment of accidents, in case a Government vehicle is involved
  • Vehicle Tracking and recovery
  • Fuel Management
  • Mechanical Services
  • Provision of  transport through the Kazungula and Mohembo ferries including maintenance. 
  • Provision of fuels and lubricants to  Government vehicles
  • Accreditation of private garages
  • Monitoring misuse and abuse of Government vehicles

Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services

  • To develop and implement Policy and legal frameworks to provide an enabling environment for the growth of the ICT sector.  

Botswana Integrated Transport Project 

  • Mandated to enhance efficiency of the transport system by building capacity on modern transport management and improving the strategic planning aspects of inter-regional transport and critical infrastructure.

Directorate of Accident Investigation 

  • The Directorate’s key mandate is as follows;
  1. To investigate and prevent air accidents and incidents : Investigation requires quick action before perishable evidence disappears from the accident scene, as well as gathering and analysing evidence to determine contributory and/or causal factors to the accident.
  2. Accident Prevention:  entails the creation of public awareness through workshops and/or seminars, as well as publication of accident reports with safety precautions outlined to avoid recurrence of similar incidents. 

Corporate Services

  • Provides core support services, such as finance, human resources, public relations, procurement and information technology.
Ministry Contact Details

Public Relations Unit

West Gate Mall 
Unit No. 28, Western Bypass 
Tel. (267) 361-2000 
Fax.(267) 390-7236 
E-mail: mtcpro [at] (mtcpro[at]gov[dot]bw) 

Ministry of Transport and Communications-Botswana facebook page

Tollfree Line: 17779

Opening hours: 07:30 – 16:30, Monday to Friday, except public holidays