Individual farmers can apply for assistance through the Integrated Support Programme for Arable Agriculture Development (ISPAAD). A 50% subsidy on the cost of fencing material up to a maximum of BW P70,000 is paid by Government. Farmers can apply for assistance to fence a newly established farm or to strengthen an already existing fence. This is done after thorough assessment of the existing field.
- Citizens and non-citizens aged 18 years and above
- Applicants should have access to land (proof of ownership or leasehold). In case of leasehold, the lease period should not be less than 50 years.
- Submit the relevant supporting documents (field Land Board Certificate or lease) to the nearest District Crop Production office.
- The Extension Officer shall calculate the field perimeter and prepare the Bill of Quantities for fencing materials.
- The farmer shall be given the Bill of Quantities to go and request five quotations.
- The Extension Officer will then complete the Application for ISPAAD Individual Fencing Form.
- Extension Officer shall submit the application along with supporting documents to Sub District Crop Production Officer (SDCPO) for processing.
- SDCPO shall inform the farmer whether the application has been approved or not by a letter.
- If approved the farmer must pay the supplier 50% of the total cost of the material and the Government pays the other 50 %.
- The farmer shall then collect the material from the supplier.
- Certified copy of valid National Identity Card (Omang).
- Landboard Certificate, Lease or Title Deed.
One (1) month.
The applicant is expected to provide 50% of the cost for materials.
ISPAAD Coordinator
Department of Crop Production
Ministry of Agricultural Development and Food Security Headquarters
Plot 4701 Mmaraka Road
3rd Floor, Office No. 301
Private Bag 00435
Tel. (+267) 3689305
E-mail. dcp [at]
Call Centre:
Email. moa17755 [at]
Opening hours: 07:30 to 12:45 then 13:45 to 16:30, Monday to Friday except, public holidays.