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Ministry of Tertiary Education, Research, Science and Technology

Radiological Safety Inspections


Radiological safety inspections ensure the protection of workers, the public and the environment from the adverse effects of ionizing radiation. Inspections also measure the adequacy of the design and shielding of premises and provide an inventory of ionizing radiation sources in Botswana. The Radiation Protection Act, 2006, the Radiation Protection Regulations, 2008 and other international standards require routine inspections.

Statutory radiological inspections are scheduled and conducted by the Radiation Protection Inspectorate, however it is the responsibility of individual facilities to contract experts to conduct routine radiological safety inspections.  In locations where expert contractors are not available the Radiation Protection Inspectorate can provide routine radiological inspections on a consultancy basis.

Who is eligible?

Facilities that are licensed in accordance with section 23 of the Radiation Protection Act, 2006.

How do I get this service?

The Radiation Protection Inspectorate determines the inspection schedule. Inspections may be announced or unannounced.

What supporting documents are required?


How long will this service take?

Radiation Protection Inspectorate determines the inspection schedule. Inspections may be announced or unannounced. The inspections themselves vary from two hours in length to a week depending on the number of radiation sources to be inspected and the complexity of the tests to be performed.

Where can I obtain this service?

Radiation Protection Inspectorate,

Unit B, Plot 132, Gaborone International Finance Park

Theme for this service
How much does it cost?

The fees, payable by cash, cheque or adjustment voucher paid to the Radiation Protection Inspectorate are:

Safety assessment for authorisation

BWP 250.00

Please note the fees listed above are stipulated in the Radiation Protection Regulations, 2008 and are reviewed annually.

Meta tags

Botswana, Botswana Government, Republic of Botswana, Government of Botswana, Dangerous substances, power generation, electricity, renewable energy


Radiological Safety Inspections, ionizing radiation, radiation, radiation shielding, inspections, inspectorate, 


Radiation, radiate, uranium, plutonium, lead, carbon, tritium, nuclear

Transportation of Radiation Sources - Permit


The Radiation Protection Regulations, 2008 require that any person that transports radioactive materials should acquire a permit to transport the radioactive materials.

This is to insure that the movement of radioactive and nuclear materials is monitored and that these materials are transported in a safe and secure manner.

Who is eligible?

Only organisations that possess a License for possession, use and sale of Radiation Sources may apply for a Permit to Transport Radiation Sources.


How do I get this service?
  1. Download and complete the relevant sections of the Application for License/Permit to Import/Export/Transport/Possess and Use Radioactive Sources/Generators/Equipment (Form 02).
  2. Submit the application, applicable fee and the supporting documentation listed below to the office of the Radiation Protection Inspectorate at the address listed under “Where can I find more Information?”
  3. The application and supporting documentation will be assessed at that time.
  4. If the application is successful a Permit to Transport Radioactive Sources will be issued at the office of RPI within 24 hours.
What supporting documents are required?
  1. Valid road-worthiness certificate for the vehicle to be used for transportation of the radiation sources; and
  2. Document describing safety measures put in place during transport of radioactive sources


How long will this service take?

After complete documentation has been submitted to the RPI representative, the assessment process can be completed in approximately 30 minutes.

Where can I obtain this service?

Plot 132, Unit B, Gaborone International Finance Park

Theme for this service
How much does it cost?

Notification fee of P50. The fees, payable by cash, cheque, or adjustment voucher paid to the Radiation Protection Inspectorate are stipulated in the Radiation Protection Regulations, 2008. The schedule of fees is reviewed annually.


Meta tags

Botswana, Botswana Government, Republic of Botswana, Government of Botswana, Dangerous substances, power generation, electricity, renewable energy


Botswana, Botswana Government, Republic of Botswana, Government of Botswana, Dangerous substances, power generation, electricity, renewable energy


Radiation, radiate, uranium, plutonium, lead, carbon, tritium, nuclear

Tertiary Education Students Sponsorship


Placement Division coordinates sponsorship award criteria, selects applicants and places them into reputable accredited institutions approved by the relevant accrediting bodies.

Currently sponsorship for students is administered in the following institutions:

  • Local Public and Private Tertiary institutions
  • Accredited external institutions (Regionally and Overseas)
Who is eligible?

New Students;

  • Botswana citizen who is NOT gainfully employed.
  • Applicants must be able to complete the programme of study before turning thirty five (35) years of age.
  • The cut-off point for Government sponsorship is 36 points for Secondary Education.
  • Candidates who have upgraded their results must also have a minimum of 36 points.
  • Orphan & Vulnerable Children (OVC), Rural Area Children (RAC), Special Education Needs (SEN) with minimum cut off points of 31.- applicants under this category should be certified and registered with the Social Welfare Office.

Progression Students;

  • Progression consideration is based on recognition of prior learning.
  • Prospective applicants must have completed lower qualifications not less than three years (3) at the time of applying except for Masters in Psychology and must be able to complete the programme of study by the age of  THIRTY- FIVE (35) or below.
  • Consideration for sponsorship is STRICTLY limited to the prioritized fields of study as per the sponsorship cycle.

Re-sponsorship Students;(NB - Target group is determined as per re-sponsorship cycle)

  • Students NOT currently under sponsorship
  • All outstanding modules/subjects should be completed within one (1) academic year at the most.
  • The students must not have previously benefited from re-sponsorship.
  • Some students would have been terminated due to poor academic performance but have sponsored themselves to pass all the failed modules/ subjects or have passed relevant year after change of course. These students must also satisfy the following conditions;
  • The student should have passed ALL outstanding modules.
  • Where the student changed courses, he/she must have sponsored themselves for the same number of years as he/she was sponsored by Government.
  • The student should submit a complete academic transcript.
  • A financial statement, which states that the student does not have any outstanding debts with the institution or a letter from institution stating that the student has no outstanding fees.

Top Achievers Students;(NB-Criteria is subject to change as per sponsorship cycle)

  • Applicants should have attained at least any of the following grades:
  • 6A*s at BGCSE/IGCSE
  • 3A's at AS
  • 3A's at A Levels
  • 4 (7) at Matric
  • The qualifying applicants will be placed in local institutions for A-Level/IBD Programmes or directly into Top Tier Universities internationally.
How do I get this service?

In order to access this service, applicants must follow the following steps:

  • Download and submit the Loan Application form along with all supporting documentation to the Department of Tertiary Financing located at Block 6, plot number 37893, Universal Estate, Sephatlhaphatlha Road.
  • Upon receipt of application, acknowledgement letter is issued to the applicant.
  • Placement officers will assess the application forms and supporting documents.
  • If successful, Applicant details will then be captured in Student Loan Management System (SLMS) and placement officer append signature as witness in the Loan Agreement.
  • Placement officer generates Sponsorship Letter from SLMS, which will be manually signed by Head of Division. 
  • Feedback to the applicant is provided within ten (10) days
What supporting documents are required?

When applying for the service please attach the following documents:

  • Admission letter clearly showing name of programme and its duration
  • A Certified copy of a valid National Identification card (Omang)
  • Certified copy of High School results/certificate or Statement Results
  • Affidavit of names in case where names are different between certificate and Omang
  • Social Inquiry Report from Social Workers in case of OVC applicant-those with less than 36 points
  • Confirmation Letter on social status in those less than 36 points
  • Confirmation Letter on RAC status in case of RAC applicant
  • Detailed Assessment Report from Special Education Department in case of SEN applicant
How long will this service take?

Ten (10) working days

Where can I obtain this service?

Department of Tertiary Financing located at Block 6, plot number 37893, Universal Estate, Sephatlhaphatlha Road

Theme for this service
How much does it cost?

No cost

Meta tags

Botswana, Botswana Government, Republic of Botswana, Government of Botswana


Sponsorship, Placement, loan  agreement, OVC/RAC/SEN, progression, Top Achievers



Radiation Monitoring Services


The Radiation Protection Act of 2006 requires that anybody who works with radioactive sources and substances or material that emits ionizing radiation should be monitored.

The National Dosimetry Laboratory (NDL) under the Radiation Protection Inspectorate (RPI) provides a Radiation monitoring service that monitors individual exposure and radiation levels of the surrounding area due to ionizing radiation from external radiation sources.

The service is provided using Harshaw Thermoluminescent Dosimetry (TLD) badges for both personnel and environmental monitoring. The TLD badges used are capable of assessing with sufficient accuracy doses from exposure to beta rays, gamma rays, X-rays or a mixture of these types of radiation.

Monitoring period for personnel is either monthly or quarterly and begins on the 1st of each month whereas for environment is either monthly or quarterly. RPI provides radiation dose reports for both personnel and environmental monitoring.

Who is eligible?

This service is provided to facilities that are licensed to possess and/or use radiation sources.


How do I get this service?
What supporting documents are required?


How long will this service take?

Application processing - ten (10) working days.

The TLD badges will be issued within ten (10) working days before the start of the wearing period.

Monthly Radiation dose reports will be issued within fourteen (14) days of receipt of the used badges by NDL.


Where can I obtain this service?

Plot 132, Unit B, Gaborone International Finance Park

Theme for this service
How much does it cost?

There is a monthly monitoring charge per wearer for all whole-body badges issued as well as a replacement charge for lost or damaged badges as outlined below:

  • Monitoring charge per worker/per month

          BWP 30.00

  • Replacement charge for a lost or damaged badge

          BWP 550.00

Payment can be made through cash, cheque or adjustment voucher paid to the Radiation Protection Inspectorate.

Meta tags

Botswana, Botswana Government, Republic of Botswana, Government of Botswana, Dangerous substances, power generation, electricity, renewable energy


Radiation Monitoring Service, safeguard radiation, x-rays, gamma rays, radiation dosage


Radiation, radiate, uranium, plutonium, lead, carbon, tritium, nuclear

License to Possess, Sell and Use Radioactive Sources


Pursuant to the Radiation Protection Act, 2006 and Radiation Protection Regulation 2008, any person who wishes to engage in activities which involve ionizing radiation sources must obtain a licence to do so. This is needed to ensure safe use of atomic energy and nuclear technology to ensure that the operators/users, public and the environment are protected from the adverse effects of ionizing radiation.

Who is eligible?

Those who engage in or intend to engage in any of the following activities require a licence:

  • Acquire, own, possess, transfer, distribute, sell, use, manufacture, transport, import, or export any radioactive material , radioactive substance, or source.
  • Administer any radioactive substance to any person for the purposes of diagnosis, treatment or research.
  • Add radioactive substances in the production and manufacture of foodstuffs, medicinal products, cosmetics and products for household use.
  • Physically or chemically alter or modify part or all of any radioactive material, substance or source; or
  • Manage or dispose of any radioactive waste.
How do I get this service?

In order to access this service, applicants must follow the following steps:

Download and submit the following forms:

Applicants should submit the two forms  and  applicable license fees along with all supporting documentation to the office of the Radiation Protection Inspectorate located at:

  • Unit B, Plot 132, Gaborone International Finance Park
  • Inspectorate staff will assess the application and provide feedback to the applicant within ten (10) days. 
  • Applications that have passed the assessment will be published in the Government Gazette and submitted for the next scheduled meeting of the Radiation Protection Board for final evaluation. Please note that applications must have passed the assessment stage at least three (3) weeks before the Board meeting date in order to be submitted for that meeting.
  • Applicants will be informed of the decision of the board within three (3) days of the board meeting.
How long will this service take?
  • It will take between three (3) and  twelve (12) weeks depending on the board’s scheduled meeting.
  • Please note that the Radiation Protection Board meets every three (3) months for new applications.
  • The License Renewal Committee meets every three (3) weeks for renewal of existing licenses.
  • Licenses will be ready for collection within a week from the date of the Board meeting.
Where can I obtain this service?

Unit B, Plot 132, Radiation Protection Inspectorate

Gaborone International Finance Park

Theme for this service
How much does it cost?

License/authorization fees, payable in cash, cheque, or adjustment voucher vary according to the risk associated with the radiation sources and are reviewed annually. 

A schedule of fees is included in the ninth schedule of the Radiation Protection Regulations, 2008.

Licence fees:

Low Risk Authorization

BWP   400.00

Medium Risk Authorization

BWP   825.00

High Risk Authorization

BWP 1,625.00

Licence to sell

BWP 2,500.00

Notification/Administrative Fee

BWP     50.00

Meta tags

Botswana, Botswana Government, Republic of Botswana, Government of Botswana, Dangerous substances, power generation, electricity, renewable energy


ionizing radiation sources nuclear 


Radiation, radiate, uranium, plutonium, lead, carbon, tritium, nuclear

Import and Export of Radiation Sources Permit


The Radiation Protection Regulations, 2008 require that any person that imports or exports radiation sources must acquire a permit to do so from the Radiation Protection Inspectorate. This requirement has been put in place to ensure the safe use of atomic energy and nuclear technology in addition to deterring the illicit trafficking of radiation sources.

Who is eligible?

Only persons that possess a License for possession, use and sale of Radiation Sources may apply for a Permit to Import/Export radiation sources.

How do I get this service?
What supporting documents are required?

To import radiation sources applicants must provide:

  • A formal contractual agreement for the return of the spent sealed sources to the manufacturer or supplier;
  • A certificate of the source(s) indicating wipe and leakage tests results;
  • A certificate of the source showing ISO/IEC compliance or compliance with any internationally recognized standards; and
  • Details of the vehicle transporting the source, registration number, model and make of the vehicle, the route which the vehicle is going to take. Indicate safety measures in place in case of an emergency during transportation of the source(s).

Foreign companies seeking a temporary import into Botswana must submit all documents listed above, in addition to the following:

  • Radiation Protection & Safety Program addressing all relevant issues (Emergency Preparedness Plan & Storage inclusive)
  • Valid License/Authorization Certificate to possess & use radiation sources/generators (from country of origin)

To export radiation sources applicants must provide:

  • Assurance that the recipient has been authorized to receive the source.
How long will this service take?


Where can I obtain this service?

Plot 132, Unit B, Gaborone International Finance Park

Theme for this service
How much does it cost?

The fees, payable in cash, cheque, or adjustment voucher vary according to the risk associated with the radiation sources, as per schedule 9 of the Radiation Protection Regulations, 2008.

Low risk - P400.00

Medium risk - P825.00

High risk - P1 625.00

Notification/Administrative Fee- P50.00

Meta tags

Botswana, Botswana Government, Republic of Botswana, Government of Botswana,


import, export, radioactive, transport, permit, radiation, atomic energy


Bring in, nuclear, transportation, trucking, transporting, carry, permission, certificate 

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