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Ministry of Minerals and Energy

Mineral Samples Export Permit


The service allows businesses to export mineral samples to other countries for testing purposes when it’s not feasible or possible to do the testing in Botswana.

Who is eligible?

Research institutions

Holder of one or more of the following licences:

  • Prospecting Licence.
  • Mining Licence.
  • Retention Licence.
  • Minerals Permit.
How do I get this service?

Download, complete Minerals Permit Application Form and submit with supporting documents to the nearest office.

Apply in writing to the Director of Mines detailing

  • Nature of mineral samples,
  • Quantities of samples,
  • Origin,
  • Destination, and
  • Types of analysis or tests to be carried out in the foreign country.
What supporting documents are required?
  • Confirmation letter from a Research Institution.
  • Confirmation of origin of samples in cases of research.
How long will this service take?

Seven (7) working days.

Theme for this service
How much does it cost?

No cost.

Ministry submitting this Service

Minerals Permit


The service is granted to companies or individuals who intend to carry out small scale mining operations which fits the following criteria:

  • Total investment in fixed assets of the project under BWP 1,000,000.00
  • Production of not more than 50,000 tonnes per annum.
  • Concession area of not more than 0.5 square kilometres for minerals other than diamonds.

Who is eligible?

Citizens and non-citizens

  • Citizens eighteen (18) years and above.
  • Non-citizens eighteen (18) years or above who have been residents of Botswana for a period of four (4) years or more.
  • Any person who is not an undischarged bankrupt, having been adjudged or otherwise declared bankrupt under the laws of Botswana or elsewhere.
  • Not convicted within the previous ten (10) years of any offence of (dishonesty) or offence under MMA or any related or similar act in Botswana, or elsewhere and sentenced to imprisonment with no option of fine or fine exceeding BWP 1000.00 or equivalent.


  • Has established domicilium citandi et executandi in Botswana.
  • Incorporated under the Company Act and carries business of mining under the licence.
  • Not in liquidation or under judicial management except where such liquidation or judicial management is part of scheme for reconstruction or amalgamation of such company.
  • None of the Directors or Shareholders are disqualified as an individual under above requirements of an individual.

Minerals Permit for industrial minerals are reserved for citizens of Botswana, except in cases where the Minister may grant the Permit to non-citizens for work that is in the public interest.

How do I get this service?
  • Obtain letter of Intent to Apply for Minerals Permit from Department of Mines.
  • Download, complete Minerals Permit Application Form VII and submit with supporting documents to the nearest office of the Department of Mines.
  • Obtain surface rights from the land authority or land owner with a stamped sketch plan showing coordinates.
  • Obtain authorisation for Environmental Impact Assessment/Environmental Management Plan from Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA).
  • Obtain Archaeological Clearance with location coordinates from Department of National Museum and Monuments (DNMM).
What supporting documents are required?
  • Company documents and certified identity documents of directors and shareholders.
  • Proposed mining programme.
  • Proposed rehabilitation programme.
  • Letter of Surface rights from land owner.
  • Letter of authorisation from DEA.
  • Letter of authorisation from DNMM.
  • If applying within a conservation area, clearance from Department of Wildlife and National Parks.
  • Copy of Letter of Intent to Apply for a Minerals Permit.
How long will this service take?

Fifteen (15) working days.

Theme for this service
How much does it cost?
  • An annual lease rental fee charged at BWP 100.00 per square kilometre.
  • The first annual lease is paid on receiving of the minerals permit and then paid annually on anniversary of the permit.
Ministry submitting this Service

Application for Restricted Blasting Licence


Restricted Blasting Licence is issued to an individual to conduct blasting operations outside the mine/quarry in Botswana.

Who is eligible?

Restricted Blasting Licence holder (Citizens/non-citizens).

How do I get this service?

Download, complete the Application for Restricted Blasting Licence and the additional information form and submit with supporting documents.

What supporting documents are required?
  • Form L in the First Schedule of Explosives Act
  • One copy of certified National Identity card (Omang)
  • Two passport sized photographs with white background
  • Police clearance certificate
How long will this service take?

Thirty (30) days.

Where can I obtain this service?


Department of Mines

Government Enclave, Block 6, Khama Crescent

(Ministry of Basic Education building)

P/Bag 0049




Tel. (+267) 365 7000

Fax. (+267) 395 2141

Email: mines [at] (mines[at]gov[dot]bw)

Opening hours: 7:30 to 12:45 and 13:45 to 16:30, Monday to Friday, except public holidays

Theme for this service
How much does it cost?

BWP 0.50


blasting licence, restricted blasting licence



Ministry submitting this Service

Rough Diamonds Export Permit


The permit allows diamond cutting license holders to export rough diamonds to countries that are members of the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme (KPSC). The permit is required every time rough diamonds are exported. One must also apply for a Kimberley Process Certificate in order for the process of exporting diamonds to be complete.

Who is eligible?

 Citizen and non-citizen businesses who are holders of the Diamond Cutting Licence and the Precious Stones Dealer’s Licence.

How do I get this service?
  • Make bookings with Diamond Office (DO) for inspection of rough diamonds at least a day in advance.
  • Bring diamonds/shipment/goods to Diamond Office for inspection with invoices.
  • After the inspection of shipment, customer fills in the Export Permit of Rough Diamonds form (Form 4)   which is provided at the Diamond Office.
  • If approved, the customer will be issued the signed permit.
What supporting documents are required?
  • Diamond Cutting Licence.
  • Precious Stones Dealer’s Licence.
  • An invoice for the shipment/diamonds/goods.
How long will this service take?

One (1) day.

Where can I obtain this service?

Diamond Hub

Private Bag 0018



Plot 67782, Diamond Technology Park, Block 8 Industrial Area


Telephone: (+267) 3915311

Fax: (+267) 393 4586

Email: diamondofficebotswana [at] (diamondofficebotswana[at]gov[dot]bw)

Theme for this service
Ministry submitting this Service

Issuance of Kimberly Process Certificate


The service allows the Precious Stones Dealers Licence and Diamond Cutting licence holders to export rough diamonds to countries that are members of the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme (KPSC). The certificate is required every time rough diamonds are exported.

Who is eligible?

Citizen and non-citizen businesses.

How do I get this service?
  • Make a booking with Diamond Office (DO) for inspection of rough diamonds at least a day in advance.
  • Brings diamonds/shipment/goods to Diamond Office for inspection with invoices.
  • After the inspection of consignment, customer fills in the Kimberley Process application form, which is Application form for Kimberly Process Certificates for Rough Diamond Export.F.
  • If approved, the customer will be issued the signed Kimberley Process Certificate.
What supporting documents are required?
  • Diamond Cutting Licence or the Precious Stones Dealer’s Licence.
  • An invoice for the shipment/diamonds/goods.
How long will this service take?

One (1) day.

Where can I obtain this service?

Diamond Hub

Private Bag 0018




Plot 67782, Diamond Technology Park, Block 8 Industrial Area

Telephone: (+267) 3915311

Fax: (+267) 393 4586

Email: diamondofficebotswana [at] (diamondofficebotswana[at]gov[dot]bw)

Theme for this service
How much does it cost?

BWP 500.00 per certificate.

Ministry submitting this Service

Diamond Cutting Licence Application


This service evaluates individuals and businesses wishing to undertake diamond cutting operations.

Who is eligible?

All citizens, non-citizens and businesses who meet the following criteria qualify for this service:

  • Have access to technical competence and experience to carry on the business of diamond cutting and polishing.
  • Have secured access to adequate financial resources to carry out the business of diamond cutting.
  • Not in default in terms of the Diamond Cutting Act.
How do I get this service?
  • Complete and submit the Diamond Cutting Licence Application Form with the supporting documents to the nearest office.
  • Once the Diamond Office (address listed below) has processed the application, a response will be mailed to the applicant within 30 days.
  •  If approved, the applicant can pick up the licence from the Diamond Office in Gaborone (address listed below).
What supporting documents are required?

The following documents must be submitted in copies of four (4)

  • Certified copy of Identification documents (Omang card for citizens)
  • First three (3) pages of passport (for non-citizens)
  • Certification of Incorporation in Botswana
  • Certified copies of Shareholders Certificates (Form2)
  • Certified List of Directors
  • Company structure/organisational chart
  • Audited financial reports for the previous three (3) years or financial documents confirming financial competency of the company
  • Proof of technical competence (expertise and experience of production team in cutting, polishing and owning appropriate equipment)
  • Company Directors must have diamond related training (attach certificates)
  • Financial credentials/financial backing from a bank or financial institution
  • Rough diamond supply agreements/ proof of continuous rough diamond supply
  • Affidavits proving absence of criminal records and police clearance for directors and shareholders
  • Proof of no bankruptcy in the history of the company’s operations
  • Business Plan
How long will this service take?

Thirty (30) days.

Theme for this service
How much does it cost?
  • BWP 500.00 on issuance of licence.
  • BWP 500.00 annually on renewal of licence.
Ministry submitting this Service
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